Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Spirit Of Truth Video

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In recent weeks, "Spirit Of Truth" has become a popular search term on the internet because of a video that was uploaded in late-March of a foul-mouthed preacher's public access community cable "One Man Show" from 1997 which aired in Los Angeles.

This self-proclaimed "Spirit Of Truth", who Wikipedia at one point identified as Barry Capricorn, apparently died in 2004, although this is yet to be confirmed. His hysterical "One Man Show", however, looks like it will live on infamy now that it's hit cyberspace.

Here's one of the many classic quotes from Mr. Capricorn: ain't ain't hearin' me, huh?

I'll conversate it again....I come in the name of Jesus....repeat after me bitch...

'I come in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit; God almighty, you know, ruler of heaven and earth and every God damn thing in between!'

You understand me now?!

Here's the popular 'One Man Show' from 1997 recently uploaded to the internet:

Some dancing and poetry are featured in a clip from another show that someone dug out and uploaded to the internet:

Interestingly, I also had a "Spirit Of Truth" show that aired on Cambridge Community TV in 1999. I uploaded this to the internet in recent days:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

My show is certainly not as funny as Mr. Capricorn's (although Physics Phil adds some comic relief), but I'm as serious as the "Spirit Of Truth" about God's coming chastisement.

Friday, May 26, 2006

In Memorial Redux

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It's been almost a year since I posted a blog here. I do so again on the occasion of Memorial Day.

Today Americans enjoy the greatest liberty and prosperity in world history. This could not have happened without countless American lives laid down on the alter of our freedom. We need to honor and cherish those who have made the highest sacrifice for our nation and its ideals.

Unfortunately, the fight for freedom is not over. The greatest battle is yet to come.

Those who hate America and what it stands for are about to get the upper hand.

To a substantial degree this is our own fault. Sin and decadence have misled us from the God-inspired underpinnings of America. From our Puritan foundation, we have fallen to gross impurity and for this God's chastisement is inevitable.

But the fundamental ideals of freedom, democracy and a society of the people and for the people, regardless of color or creed, is God's plan for the world as a whole. This shall be the basis for the true Kingdom of God on earth that is coming.

Before God's Kingdom can come, however, Satan will get his brief turn at the wheel. From Russia with hate he shall come to devour the earth and its inhabitants for a brief time. But ultimately truth and righteousness will do not lose hope when the time comes....God is on our side...

Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always. - Mahatma Gandhi
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